About UsBlair2018-01-26T14:18:45+00:00
Saving hotel developers time and money.
As Darwin was famously quoted, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but rather, that which is most adaptable to change.” If you don’t learn how to constantly adapt to market, technology and consumer changes, then you’re going to be left behind by others in the industry that do.
Here at hotels university we love anything and everything hotels. We are a dynamic hotel advisory group that helps hotel owners and developers save money, attract more customers, stand out from the competition, and grow their businesses. Our group of contributors is made up of hotel owners, operators, designers, contractors, and franchise representatives.
hotels university is a hub for the strategies, tools, and tips you need to plan, design, construct, operate and renovate your hotel to its highest potential. Here you will find regular posts, interviews and lots of great content which will give you an edge on your competition.

Blair Hildahl
hotels university
Find out more
Is there a topic you’d like us to dive into? Would you like further information on a topic we’ve already touched on? We’re always happy to chat. You can reach us anytime at info@hotelsuniversity.com. We look forward to hearing from you .