Developers | The next MUST HAVE Apartment Amenity?

    Electric vehicles (EV) are becoming increasingly popular across the U.S. Clean-powered, environmentally-friendly EVs are here to stay. Electric cars are gaining momentum with growing concerns over climate change and living more sustainable lives. Do you need this amenity in your project? Read on.

    EVs require specialized charging stations, which must be planned early in your design.

    Photo […]

    By |April 13th, 2022|Hotel Construction, Hotel Design, Hotel Development|0 Comments

      Developers: Don’t waste $100,000 on this overdesign

      With materials costs soaring at a record pace, developers must get creative to meet proforma budgets. Fire Dampers are regularly included during the design process and can be more expensive than you think. Do you really need them?

      What is a Fire Damper (and is it required)?

      Fire dampers are passive fire protection products used in HVAC ducts to […]

      By |April 6th, 2022|Hotel Construction, Hotel Design, Hotel Development|0 Comments